This is another
non-accounting voucher. However, it differs from the Memo voucher in that it is
not a separate voucher type. You mark an existing voucher, (e.g., a payment
voucher or a receipt voucher) as ‘Optional’. Press CTRL+L or click on the
button. This button toggles with ‘Regular’. By marking it ‘Optional’ the
voucher does not get posted anywhere but remains in the have the optional
voucher. View them from the Day book as well.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Memo voucher:-
This is non-accounting voucher and the entries made using
it will not affect your accounts. That is, Tally does not post these entries to
ledgers but stores them in a separate “memo Register”. You can alter and
convert a memo voucher into a regular voucher when you decide to bring the
entry into your books. View all optional vouchers through Displayà Exception Reports à Optional Vouchers. View them from the day book as well.
Some uses for Memo vouchers:
Making suspense payments
For example, the company
gives an employee cash to buy office supplies, the exact nature and cost of
which are unknown. You could enter a voucher for the petty cash advance, a
voucher to record the actual expenditure details when they are known, and
another voucher to record the return of surplus cash. However, a simpler way is
to enter a Memo voucher when the cash is advanced, and then turn it into a
Payment voucher for the actual amount spent, when known.
Vouchers not verified at the
time of entry.
It sometimes happens that
you do not understand the details of a voucher you are entering. Enter it as a
memo voucher and amend it when you get the details.
Items given on approval
You will normally only enter
completed sales into the books. Suppose items are given “on approval”. You can
track them with a Memo voucher and convert it into a proper sales voucher, or
delete the Memo voucher, depending on the outcome.
Reminder service
You can enter a memo voucher for a transaction that will
take place in the future and get Tally to remind you about it one day prior to
the date. For example, insurance premiums due, taxes due,
In Tally budgets can be set for various income
and expenses accounts and variance reports can be generated in the following
1. Enter “Yes”
at maintain budgets and control columns in the company features of tally.
2. Select
budgets from Account Info
3. Select create
and enter the name of the budget Eg. Traveling expenses or advertisement expenses.
4. Enter the
period, which may be monthly budgets or quarterly or yearly budgets.
When the current financial year comes to an end and the new financial year starts the user should set up fresh set of books for the new financial year in the following manner.
Changing the period by clicking or Alt+F2 key to the new financial year Eg.1.4.09 to 31.3.10 the system automatically does the following tasks.
1. Starts a fresh set of books
2. Carry forwards accounts balances for asset and liabilities account
3. Carry forward items stock.
The user need not create ledger a/c. stock items, or anything setup while closing the various features of Tally like cost centers multi currency. Multiple godowns etc. He can straight away the record the transactions using voucher entries. The user can jump from one accounting year to another simply by changing the period.
Group company accounts and consolidation of reports
In tally group company
accounts can be created with member companies under it for consolidation of
various reports like trading A/c, P&L A/c Balance Sheet, Stock reports etc.
Group companies may be
formed with existing companies and also by creating new companies in the
following manner.
1. Create a company keep
open its books of accounts and create another company in this manner all the
member companies should be created.
2. Even group companies may
be formed with existing companies. In this case open the member companies books
3. The user can operate the
accounts of member companies i.e. create ledger accounts, stock items, record
transactions independently just like any other individual company.
4. The Member company
reports will show the results as usual.
Procedure to create a Group company:.
1. Keep open the member companies.
2. Press Alt+F3 keys at the
gateway of tally
3. Select create group
company option from the company info menu.
4. Enter the name of the
group company. It’s income tax and sales tax numbers
5. At the members column,
select the member companies whose reports are to be consolidated.
In Tally BRS can be prepared
in the following manner.
1. Open the bank ledger
account by selecting the following options.
Gateway of tally àDisplay à Account Books à Cash or bank books.
1. Select the bank account which is to be reconciled. The bank
statement or pass book should be kept ready such period for which
reconciliation is to be made. Eg.1.4.09 to 30.6.09 .
2. Click reconcile button.
Now the new “bank date” column will be added to the bank statement.
3. Verify whether each entry
is appearing in the bank statement or not. If it appears enter the date as per
bank statement if it does not appear, skip the bank date column.
4. For such transactions
which are accounted by bank and not accounted by the user company, such as bank
charges, locker rent, insurance, interest etc. Make appropriate entries in
voucher entry before starting the reconciliation.
After the above process, the balance as per the bank
column in tally should be equal to the actual closing balance as per bank
When reconciliation is made for the next accounting period
repeat the above process now entries not reconciled in the previous period will
be displayed along with entries recorded in the current period.

This feature in Tally
maintains details of all pending credit bills of customers and suppliers. The
various details are.
a) Original date of each
bill b) due date of each bill c) adjusted amount against each bill d) pending
amount of each bill e) no. of overdue days.
At the time of raising the invoice terms and conditions
of sale and payment will be settled with the customer. When there are pending
bills from a customer and when he makes payment this amount should be adjusted
against the pending bills according to the terms and conditions settled with
the customer.
1. Active this feature from
the accounting features of tally
2. While recording a
purchase or sale or receipt or payment transaction, after selecting the party
account and entering the amount “Bill wise details screen” will be displayed
here the following information should be entered.
A. Advance:- Select this method of
adjustment when the customer pays advance before delivery of goods.
B. New Reference :- Select this method of adjustment in case of a fresh
sale or purchase transaction without advance.
C. Against reference: Select this
method of adjustment when the customer pays any amount and when there are
pending credit bills. Now a list of pending bills from this customer will be displayed
select the bill to be adjusted and enter the amount of adjustment.
D. On Account: Select this method of adjustment when details of
pending bills are not available and there is outstanding balance in a customers
3. Enter the number of
credit days the system will calculate the due date.
4. Enter the amount.
This feature can also be used for maintaining details of
pending purchase bills of the suppliers.
Generating details of pending bills:-
Gateway of tally à Display à Statements of accounts out standing à Receivables / Payables.
Age wise report of pending bills showing number of days as
column headings may also be generated by clicking age wise button and entering
the no days to appear as column headings.
For Eg. 0-30 days, 31-60
days, 61-90 days,90-120 days, more than 120 days.
The above report is useful for sending periodical
statements to the customers showing the details of pending bills with suitable
These two voucher types
should be activated from the accounting features of tally. All the entries recorded
in the account books should be supported by some documentary evidence like
invoices, bills, vouchers, receipts etc. for some entries there may not be any
documentary proof. In such cases Debit Note and Credit Note should be used to
record them. They are prepared in duplicating on pre printed forms. One copy is
sent to the customer for his records and the other copy retained for our
Credit Note:- This voucher type is used to record following typed of
- Sales returns settled in cash or book adjustments.
- When discount or incentives are given to the customers.
- To adjust any excess rates charged in previous invoices
- To record any debit notes received from the suppliers

Debit Note:- This voucher type is used to record following types of
a. To Record purchases returns
b. When discount or incentives
are received from the vendors.
c. To adjust any excess rates
charged in previous invoices.
d. To record any credit notes
received from the suppliers.

STOCK JOURNAL: Manufacturing Units
STOCK JOURNAL: Manufacturing
This voucher type is used to
record issues of raw materials to the production department. Production of
finished goods, theft or pilferage of raw materials or finished goods, return
of unutilized raw materials from the production department to the store or
1. Issue of raw material
from godown or stores is recorded under source column.
2. The production of
finished goods is recording under destination column. The issues and
productions are recorded by entering the following details.
a) Name of the item. b)
Quantity c) Rate d) Amount.
3. The rate of raw material
issued will be the average purchase cost which will be automatically entered by
the system.
4. The quantity of finished
goods will be based on actual physical counting or wieghment at the end of each
shift. The cost of finished goods will be based on the cost sheets maintained
in the production department either manually or buy using some other
application software. This can also be calculated in tally by
altering the “Stock journal” voucher type to “Manufacturing journal”.
The selling rate can also be calculated by adding the profit margin.
5. The theft of raw material
or finished goods are recorded under source column.
6. The return of raw
material from the production process to the store or godown are recorded under
under destination column.
7. The transfer of materials
from one godown to another will be recorded under both sides i.e source and
destination in two separate vouchers.
All the entries recorded in the stock journal will be
reflected in the stock summary, trading A/c, balance sheet etc.
Sales (F8)
Sales (F8) :- This voucher type is used to record cash sales or
credit sales or with in state sales or outside
state sales. When the user selects sales A/c against the credit symbol the
system automatically displays inventory allocations screen (inventory voucher)
where the user should enter the following stock details.
1. Name of the items 2.
Godown address (when multiple godowns are maintain). 3. Quantity. 4. Rate. 5. Amount.
The system updates the stock records basing on these
values. A sales transaction can also be recorded as an invoice which can be
printed in any number of copies.

6. Purchases (F9) :- This voucher type is used to record cash purchases or
credit purchases or with in state purchases or out of state purchases. In this
voucher type when the user selects purchase account against the debit symbol,
the system automatically displays inventory allocations screen where all the
stock details are to be entered.
Journal (F7)
4. Journal (F7) :- This voucher type is used to record transactions in
which the following two conditions are satisfied.
1. In such transaction cash
or bank A/c should not be involved.
2. In such transactions
there should be no movement of stock.
In this voucher type all the ledger accounts created in
accounts info will be displayed both at the debit and credit columns. So if any
transaction could not be recorded in other voucher types it can recorded in
journal. Exception: Sales returns should not be recorded on journal.

Display of Ledger Accounts
Gateway of tally à Display à Accounts Books à Ledgers.
Select the accounts and press enter key. Now month wise
total debits and credits with closing balances will be displayed. To generate
ledger A/c for a particular period click period tab and enter the opening and
closing dates.
Display of Day Book
Display of Day Book:-
Gateway of tallyà Display à Day Book.
To generate day book for a
particular period click period tab and enter the period. For display additional
details like narrations, inventory details select from the configuration of
tally (F12).

Receipt (F6)
3. Receipt (F6) :- This voucher type is used to record cash receipts
through any type of bank instruments like cheques, DD’s TT’s LCS etc. The
receipts may be from customers or borrowing of loans or sale of any asset or
any other incomes like interest or dividends.
In this voucher type either cash or bank A/c should be
debited other wise the system will display an error message.
Exception:- Cash sales should not be
recorded using this voucher type.
Post – dated cheque receipts may be recorded giving the
maturity date of cheque and clicking post-dated button. On the maturity date
after presenting the cheque with the bank for collection change the status of
the transaction to “Current” position and save it.

Payments (F5)
. Payments (F5):- This voucher type is used to record cash payments or
payments made through any type of bank instruments like Cheques, Demand Drafts,
Telegraphic Transfers, letter of credits, bankers cheques etc. The payment may
be made to the suppliers against outstanding balance or to buy any assets or to
meet any expenses like salaries or rent or to repay any loans etc.
In this voucher type either cash or bank A/c
Should be credited otherwise the system will display as error message.
Exception: Cash purchases should not be recorded using this voucher type.
Post-dated cheque payments may also be recorded by
clickng post-dated button and giving a future date which is the maturity date
of cheque. On the maturity date the status of these transactions should be
changed from post-dated to “current”. Only by this action the accounts involved
in the transaction will be posted.

Contra (F4)
1. Contra (F4):- This voucher type is used to record the following types
of transactions. A.
Deposits of cash into bank accounts.
B. Withdrawals of cash from
bank accounts for business use.
C. Transfer of funds from
one bank A/c to another bank A/c.
D. Transfer of cash form
cash A/c to Petty Cash A/c.
The various business transactions like purchases, sales, receipts, payments, other stock adjustments are recorded using voucher entry feature from the gateway of tally. Once transactions are recorded the system automatically makes ledger postings, updates various final reports like Trail Balance, Trading A/c, P&L a/c and Balance sheet and other stock reports behind the screen. Before recording the transactions all the ledger accounts and stock items should be created by the user.
Voucher Types:- Depending on the nature of transaction
different voucher types should be used to record them.
F4: Contra
F5: Payment
F6: Receipt
F7; Journal
F8: Sales
F9: Purchase
F8: Credit Note
F9: Debit Note
F10: Rev.jrnl
F10: Memos
Entering stock details while recording purchase and sales
At the time of recording purchases and sales transactions, when the user selects purchases or sales account from the list of ledger accounts the system automatically displays inventory allocations screen where the user should enter the following stock details.
1. Name of the item 2.
Godown address (When there are multiple godowns) 3. Quantity. 4. Rate. 5.
Amount. System will take these values and updates the stock records.
Display of Stock Position:-
Gateway of tally à Stock Summary.

Now group wise summary will be displayed. For item wise
summary select that group and press enter, monthly purchases and sales analysis
will be displayed. For purchase and sales transactions of a particular item,
select that month and press enter key.
Creation of Stock Items
Now the actual stock items
should be created by selecting the following.
Gateway of tally -->Inventory Info --> Stock items --> Single or Multiple Groups--> Create.

Enter the name of the item and select its groups and the
unit of measurement. Enter the opening balance if any, the stock item creation
screen may be configured (F12key) to enter additional details like part
numbers, description, alternate units, standard rates, costing and market
valuation methods. i.e. LIFO or FIFO or average cost etc.
Creation of Stock Groups
When the user maintains different varieties of items. Then stock groups may be created to classify between different varieties. Eg. An electronic goods dealer may create groups like1. Electrical 2. Electronics. The following option will display the stock group screen.
Gateway of tally--> Inventory Info --> Stock Groups--> Single or Multiple Groups--> Create.

These groups may be create
as primary groups or sub-groups.
Creation of units of measurements
Units of measurement at the
units in which stock item is measured ex. Kgs., Tons, Nos, sets, reems etc., A
unit may be created in the following manner.
Gateway of tally-->Inventory Info--> Units of measurement--> Crate.

Enter the symbol of the unit
eg. Kgs tons etc.,
Compound units like 1 ton of 1000kgs may also be created
enter the formal name and the number of decimal places if any. Alternative
units like bags, boxes, cases etc. May also be created when the packaging unit
changes from the base unit.
Creation of Stock Items

To maintain inventory in
tally the user should Create all stock items in which the company
makes purchases and sales transactions before recording purchase and sales or
other material adjustments. Ex. An electronic goods dealer should create items
like washing machines. Vacuum cleaners etc. a stock item may be created in the
following three steps.
Creation of ledger accounts while recording transactions
Deleting of Ledger Accounts
Deleting of Ledger Accounts:- Unwanted ledger accounts may
be deleted by the user by selecting the following menu options.
Select the account which is
to be deleted and press ALT+D key simultaneously if such account is previously
used to record any transaction then it cannot be deleted.
Alteration of Ledger Accounts
Alteration of Ledger Accounts:- The various details of
account masters like groups, address, registration numbers may be altered by
selecting the following options.
Path:- Gateway of tally --> Accounts info-->Single or Multiple Ledgers --> Alter.
Select the account whose
details are to be altered and make necessary changes. The group of a ledger
account may be altered even after recording the transactions.
Display of Ledger Accounts
Display of Ledger Accounts:- The various details of a ledger accounts like it’s group, Opening balance, address, registration numbers can be displayed by selecting the following options.
Path:- Gateway of tallyà Accounts info à Single or Multiple Ledgers à Display
Creating of Ledger Accounts
Before recording various
business transactions like purchases, sales, receipts, payments the user should
create all the ledger accounts involved in the business. The record of each
ledger A/c is called an accounts master. Once ledger accounts are created and
saved they may be used to record the transactions not only during the current
financial year but also in future years. The following options selected step
would bring up the ledger creation screen.
Path: Gate way of tally à Accounts info à LedgersàSingle or Multiple Ledgers à Create.

Enter the name of the ledger account select it’s group
basing on the location of the account in final reports like trading A/c,
P&L A/c B/S and enter the opening balance if any, for customer and supplier
A/c’s enter their address, sales tax, income tax recitation numbers, enter the
rate of calculation for duties & taxes accounts. For bank accounts enter
the effective date of reconciliation, for foreign party accounts enter the
currency symbol in which such accounts is to be maintained.
There are 3 Products in Tally which are:
- Tally Bronze: This is a single user edition with limited features.
- Tally Silver: This is a single user edition with all features like
budgets, Multy currency, cost centers etc.
- Tally Gold: This is a multy-user edition useful in networking
environment with all features. With single installation of tally we can
maintain multiple company accounts.
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